About Me

Portrait image of Gabriel Lucchesi
Hey there! My name is Gabriel Lucchesi. I'm very passionate about technology and programming. I wish to specialize in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence to develop innovative and creative solutions in hopes of doing some form of good to the world and helping people around me in the best way I can :)

Passions and Interests

Some of the biggests joys in my life is being able to learn new and useful things. And, as impressive as it may sound, that also applies to machines and computer programs. I firmly believe that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence-guided technologies are the driving power of the future-- the least I could do is to want to be a part of it!

I've always been a fan of Neuroscience, but working with Deep Learning models and Natural Language Processing more than rekindled that passion. It really amazes how we're able to encode the architecture behind how brains work so that machines begin to think like us, especially when it comes to language understanding.

I currently lead two projects on Artificial Intelligence on campus, each touching distinct but correlated aread of Machine Learing -- Vision Transformers and Multi-agent traning with Reinforement Learning. My goal for the near future is to create real-life and full-stack projects that integrate and leverage the power of A.I. to bring intelligent software to the hands of people that need it.

Other interests: Quantum Computing and QML, Education, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sci-fi & Cinema

Latest Readings

The Psychology of Money, Data Structures & Algorithms in Python, Introduction to Algorithms (In Progress), The Buried Giant

Skills and My work

Here are some of the languages, frameworks, libraries and platforms I like using!

  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C#, Swift
  • Front-End Development: React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, TS, EJS, HTML, CSS
  • Back-End Development: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Flask, OAuth 2.0
  • Data Science & ML: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Pandas, Numpy, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn
  • Cloud Development: Azure & Azure Machine Learning Fundamentals, Google Vertex AI
  • Graphics and Animation: Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Canva, Movavi

I'm currently a rising sophomore at Florida International University. I'm pursing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science! I hope to graduate on Spring 2026.

Relevant CourseWork - GPA 4.0

  1. Data Structures (as of Spring 2024)
  2. Discrete Structures
  3. Statistics for Computer Science
  4. Programming I-II
  5. Calculus I-II
  6. English for Professional and Technical Writing
  7. Introduction to Computer Science

My Work

My 'Projects' section is still in development! 
Visit my GitHub to see what I've been working on.
I should have everything in here really soon!


Originally a student organization known as Upsilon Pi Epsilon, INIT is now a nation-wide community of programmers and talented tech professionals that hope to bring forth and inspire talent in every individual in tech-related professions. As part of their Executive Board as Director of Social Media, I'm extremely glad to be immersed in a group of very enthusiastic programmers and leaders that push the team forward into creating something new and better every day.

The ShellHacks Hackathon

INIT is the main organizer of Florida's Largest Hackathon: ShellHacks. This recurrent event takes place on campus and brings 4000+ people from a variety of Universities and States to compete and submit projects towards a final common goal. Along with the other members from our E-Board team, we are coordinating marketing, technology, and others to bring out the best experience for all hackers and volunteers.

Click on the shell to find out more!


Beyond my role as a class-based LA, I also worked alongside a varied group of over 100 educators and fellow LAs to create educational directives centered around STEM, aiming to encourage practical and meaningful learning experiences that ignite students' interest in the fields of science and technology. Our ultimate goal was to bring out in the students the passion and confidence in their ability to learn whatever they wanted to.

CETEFE - Volunteer

CETEFE is a Brazilian company focused on promoting inclusiveness in the job market for people with physical disabilities and impairments. I volunteered as an intern to assist in the administration of task-completion and document sorting, as well as to help those in need. Overall, CETEFE provides significant change to the lives of those individuals through the power of opportunity, and I was glad to be able to assist with that.


CodePath's motto is to provide early-on career experiences for students pursing degrees in tech, with a variety of programs that promote an immersion into technologies and programming languages to kickstart a person's SWE career.

Certification in Web Development
Additional Certifications: